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Best DVT doctor in jaipur

Looking for the best treatment options for Best DVT Doctor in Jaipur, look no further than the highly esteemed Dr. Manish Rajput. With his extensive expertise and compassionate approach to patient care, Dr. Manish specializes in diagnosing and treating this serious condition.<br>

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Best DVT doctor in jaipur

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  1. Bookanappointment! DRMANISH RAJPUT https://drmanishrajput.com

  2. INTRODUCTION Dr.ManishRajputisanInterventional Radiologist&TeamLead,TeamIR Jaipur.Theyarethebiggestteamof InterventionalRadiologists.Theyare trainedfromTataMemorialCenter, Mumbai,India.Theyhaveworkedinso manygovernmentandcorporate hospitalsacrossthecountry.

  3. Medical school (MBBS): 2005-2011: - People’s MedicalCollege,Bhopal(MP) DNB(Radiodiagnosis):-Apollohospital, Hyderabad(Telangana) FVIR(PDCC):-TataMemorialCentre, Mumbai(Maharashtra) SeniorResident:HindujaHospitalMumbai,SMS HospitalJaipur HIS EDUCATION PastVisitingDoctor:LeelavatiHospitalMumbai, BreachCandyHospitalMumbai,Wockhardt HospitalMumbai,HindujaHospitalMumbai ExAssitantProfessor:JNUMedicalCollege,Jaipur CurrentlyWorkingasSeniorConsultant InterventionalRadiologistinvariouscorporate hospitalsofRajasthanbasedinJaipur

  4. STRENGTHS IleadthebiggestIRteaminthestate. VastportfolioforIRservices. AlltheteammembersarefromTata MemorialHospital,Mumbai. Extensiveexperienceinperformingand interpretingbasicRadio-Diagnosis. Gainedexperienceinperforming InterventionalRadiologicprocedures. Ipossessoratoryskillbyspeakingat numerousindustryevents. Abilitytoteachcomplexconceptsinabasic manner.

  5. O U R VaricoseVeins ProstateArteryEmbolization PRG S E R V I C E S Biopsyand Angioplasty&Venoplasty PCN&DJStenting fNAC

  6. +917729021111 CONTACT US! dr.manish@infinityintervention.com O-5-A, Adinath Marg, Near Surya Hospital,CScheme,AshokNagar, Jaipur,Rajasthan302001

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